About dana bobbert

 Chip Bobbert is the Digital Fabrication Architect and service manager behind Duke University’s four specialty labs--the Multimedia Project Studio and three CoLab Studio locations.  In this role, he has developed and built one of the largest 3D printing-focused labs in higher education.  This service now completes more than 39,000 jobs annually while serving more than 2,500 unique users.  His lab was the first to explore and solve scale problems related to integrating digital fabrication at institutional levels.  His work has created a template many universities have used in the development of their own labs.  His latest projects focus on the launch of a medical and research-class additive manufacturing center and tools that will interconnect communities of makers.  Passionate about innovation and education; he is a frequent speaker, collaborator, commenter, and evangelist on the topic of maker and additive technologies in educational and research ecosystems.

Projects by dana bobbert

Short URL
Face Shield Add-on Characters joanna feaster 3 Years Ago 19 Hours Ago Public /makesea/agxh
Lemur Enclosure Gate trevor fowler 4 Years Ago 3 Days Ago Public /makesea/80yx
Lemur Pulleys Redesign 2 trevor fowler 4 Years Ago 19 Hours Ago Public /makesea/80yw
Pig Bladder Support Structure evan lacombe 4 Years Ago 3 Days Ago Public /makesea/80yt
Capillary Bioreactor - Hardware clayton shafer 4 Years Ago 3 Days Ago Public /makesea/7zfe
BioPrinter Door Offset trevor fowler 4 Years Ago 1 Day Ago Public /makesea/71h2
Pediatric Cardiology Laptop Stand 4 Years Ago 19 Hours Ago Public /makesea/66lz
Textural Maps 4 Years Ago 2 Days Ago Public /makesea/66ly
Fly Microscopy 4 Years Ago 19 Hours Ago Public /makesea/66lx
ShopBot Spoil Board dana bobbert 4 Years Ago 1 Day Ago Public /makesea/5mjp
Bioprinting abigail franklin 5 Years Ago 3 Days Ago Public /makesea/3b7r
Dog Tag Jig dana bobbert 5 Years Ago 1 Day Ago Public /makesea/351h
Prostate Guillotine dana bobbert 5 Years Ago 2 Days Ago Public /makesea/2et1
Backpack Hook dana bobbert 5 Years Ago 19 Hours Ago Public /makesea/28mt
FlexBeam Assignment dana bobbert 5 Years Ago 3 Days Ago Public /makesea/25jp
Water Jet Shredder dana bobbert 5 Years Ago 1 Day Ago Public /makesea/1fb9
Fly Embryo Microfluidics Chamber kristianna elbert 5 Years Ago 1 Day Ago Public /makesea/yc5
Mouse Sensitivity Container kristianna elbert 5 Years Ago 19 Hours Ago Public /makesea/qmd
CoLab Logos dana bobbert 6 Years Ago 10 Hours Ago Public /makesea/4xv
Lemur Center Door Pulley neel kurupassery 6 Years Ago 19 Hours Ago Public /makesea/4mu